1- He lay prostrate, ready to ambush the invaders.

2- Rebel soldiers killed over 20 government troops in a bloody ambush just outside the capital city.

3- He has a plan to ambush him.

4- An Ovambo proverb notes that you cannot avoid what lies in ambush for you.

5- amendThe soldiers feared an ambush and refused to enter the village.

6- The rebels had set an ambush for the presidential motorcade.

7- Mountain lions often wait in trees for deer to come by so they can ambush them.

8- Discussion question: What is your greatest ambition in life? ambushOne of them was Josh Olson of Spokane, who lost his right leg in an ambush in 2003 in Iraq.

9- Another 27 were wounded in an ambush in July 2008.

10- Critics say the new rules give unions a chance to ambush employers with demands for votes on representation.

11- De Blasio said that the actions were hurtful to the families of the two cops killed in an ambush last month.

12- Frein, 31, is accused in the September 12 ambush shooting that left Cpl.

13- Frein, 31, is suspected in the September 12 ambush that left Cpl.

14- Greene lured him to the quarry, where her new boyfriend Kyle Gowen waited to ambush him.

15- His cartel was based here and he died here in a police ambush in 1993.

16- In November, Shebab gunmen held up a bus outside Mandera town on the same stretch of road as Friday's ambush.

17- ISIS is well known for planning homemade bombs to ambush enemies.

18- Malian authorities said 25 people were killed in the ambush and four wounded.

19- Many Wardens were killed in an ambush at a safe site.

20- My regiment lost MiGs to this ambush tactic three times.

21- Nine U.N. peacekeepers were killed in an ambush in early October.

22- No one has so far claimed responsibility for Tuesday's ambush or for planting the bomb that was discovered Wednesday.

23- Omar Sanchez, one of his teammates, described the ambush to CNN en Español.

24- One of the groups got caught in an ambush so Tillman's group, who was up ahead, came back to help.

25- Our column fell into an ambush and we came under fire.

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