1- And like truffles, it's a gift from the wild, not amenable to human cultivation.

2- Customers are not always able to try on clothing, though shopkeepers on this particular tour were warm and amenable.

3- Even rural, conservative states like Kentucky are suddenly becoming amenable to a treatment-first view.

4- Mr Juncker is not thought to be amenable to a wide-ranging renegotiation of Britain's relationship with Brussels.

5- Truck stops are even more amenable to overnight sleeping, with the added benefit of showers and hot food for sale.

6- Verizon has said it is still interested in selling the iPhone if Apple is amenable.

7- What data won't tell us Many important questions are simply not amenable to quantitative analysis, and never will be.

8- After the two dispatched Goldilocks, Snow told him that she might be amenable to starting a relationship.

9- Even powders with a liquid phase are amenable to this process and low pressures are possible, too.

10- Hot, moist environments are most amenable to mosquito growth and survival, Harrison said.

11- If conditions stay amenable to a hike, it will mark the beginning of a new era for investors.

12- In general, more advanced stages of cancer portend a poorer prognosis and are less amenable to treatment.

13- Nevertheless, he seems to have been amenable and easy to approach.

14- One type of reductionism is the belief that all fields of study are ultimately amenable to scientific explanation.

15- Some animals are easier to tame than others, and are amenable to domestication.

16- Struts applications use JSPs to render views and are amenable to mix-and-match jsp taglib use.

17- The course aims to enable students to recognize problems that are amenable to computer solutions.

18- The Insight is geared towards health and more amenable to everyday use.

19- The Míkmaq, as allies with the French, were amenable to limited French settlement in their midst.

20- The ROM type of system is amenable to tuning if one knows the system well.

21- The system, which CAT is now optimizing, is entirely cell-free and so is more amenable to automation.

22- They were so far amenable to human control that it was possible to take their increase without destroying the stock.

23- However, she becomes more amenable after SG-1 uncovers a Goa'uld spy amongst the Tok'ra ranks and helps them escape an attack.

24- Passages in which the Buddha criticizes those who talk about things not amenable to experience are quite common in the early texts.

25- The problems began with the fact that he needed three helpers, given that the "caliphate" isn't exactly amenable to wheelchairs.

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