76- In 1824 the amended charter of the Moscow University became the first charter of the Saint Petersburg Imperial University.

77- In 1907 other taxing laws were promulgated and finally in 1919 the Government of India Act was amended.

78- In 1932, the university's charter was amended, providing for the admission of women.

79- In 1949 the law was amended to allow abortions to be performed for economic reasons.

80- In 1998, the rate of tax was 10% and amended in 2000 to 12.5%.

81- In 2004, regulations were amended to further allow fully flexible demand responsive transport bus services.

82- In 2006, the Criminal Code of Canada was amended to allow for Provinces to regulate the payday loan industry.

83- In April 2007 the Government amended the Criminal Code to increase punitive measures for hate crimes and extremism.

84- In June, Saunders couldn't say when the amended carding policy would take effect.

85- On September 22, 2006, Novell sought leave to file amended counterclaims.

86- Other Bank Secrecy Act provisions Several other BSA provisions were reviewed and amended.

87- Over the years, the Church of England has not amended the Thirty-Nine Articles.

88- Rural boroughs were prevented from applying for a new or amended charter, however.

89- Second, the decision does not specify which clauses will be amended.

90- Section 301(b)(4) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by Section 262, Pub. L. 95-622.

91- The act was amended in 1972 and 2001. The college is administratively and financially autonomous from the university.

92- The amended EC Treaty establishes certain minimal rights for EU citizens.

93- The amended Parliament Act was never used in the 1940s or 1950s, possibly because the mere threat of it was enough.

94- The Bangladesh parliament in 1977 amended the constitution by changing the Four State Principles.

95- The bill also was amended Friday to exempt cigar bars, cigar clubs and tobacco stores.

96- The Board adopts regulations, procedures, policies and resolutions as permitted by and amended in the CERL.

97- The charter of the school, accordingly, was amended on March 1, 1923, by the Legislature of the State of North Carolina.

98- The constitution may be amended either by a majority vote of both houses of the legislature, or by voter initiative.

99- The constitution was amended in 1875, Williams, Robert F. and Tarr, G. Alan.

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