26- With the rise of tourism and leisure, real property comes to include scenic and other amenity values.

27- Heating is regarded as a basic amenity.

28- Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological[], landscape and recreational criteria.

29- Local amenity societies and conservation groups therefore frequently oppose their construction -; and all too often the houses remain unbuilt.

30- The Trustees, however, felt that the tennis courts should be preserved as an amenity for the area.(30) After the scheduled 1995 opening of the Newton Cap scheme, the picturesque valley around it will become a great local amenity.

31- Although new housing will be encouraged within these areas, important open spaces and the amenity of residential areas will be protected.

32- The stations on the Trans-Siberian were classified according to size and amenity into five categories.

33- The town has been carefully designed to offer its visitors every amenity.

34- Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.

35- Often they circulate these lists to local conservation and amenity groups, residents' associations and subscribers.

36- An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.

37- When complete this autumn it will be the first purpose-built amenity to offer homeless youngsters short-stay accommodation coupled with skills training.

38- They will provide an amenity for local residents.

39- They have no idea of amenity, no regard for landscape and have scant interest in problems of drainage and water.

40- The Memorial Hall stands in splendid isolation as the only village amenity.

41- Both the existing bungalow and the new house would look into the garden of the house, providing an amenity for both.

42- The building will be developed as a public amenity.

43- Local amenity societies and conservation groups therefore frequently oppose their construction -; and all too often the houses remain unbuilt.

44- They were concerned with only limits amenity services unless the county council delegated something more substantial.

45- They have no idea of amenity, no regard for landscape and have scant interest in problems of drainage and water.

46- Both the existing bungalow and the new house would look into the garden of the house, providing an amenity for both.

47- He immediately noticed the amenity of his new surroundings.

48- A sauna in the hotel would be a useful amenity.

49- An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.

50- Middlesex sought to prevent urban development, with the secondary purpose of preserving amenity and providing recreational facilities.

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