26- Secondly, controversially, most of the people who attend our centres receive attendance allowances .

27- And erm I get a letter back, I'm getting the attendance allowance .

28- Group Use of attendance allowance .

29- The only official compensation is a weekly £76-worth of invalidity and daytime attendance allowance .

30- There is also attendance allowance and there are various things like that which are outside this.

31- Shall I come and live with you Kath and you can claim constant attendance allowance .

32- We still have to wait months for payment of vitally important benefits such as the attendance allowance .

33- People who get attendance allowance get that allowance to pay for attendance, and home help is attendance.

34- People on attendance allowance ?

35- In 1970 an attendance allowance was introduced, payable to a person in need of substantial care and attention.

36- See also: Counsel and Care, Factsheet 11, attendance allowance for People over Pensionable Age .

37- New assistance benefits were created in 1975 for family planning and maternity consultations, whilst a constant attendance allowance was increased.

38- There are also state benefits such as attendance allowance , Disability Living Allowance and the new Personal Independence Payment.

39- Now, did the Labour group what was your position on proposing cuts and the attendance allowances for the Councillors?

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