1- Coral reefs cover just 1 percent of the sea floor, but harbor as much as one-quarter of the world's marine species.

2- Orangutans are an endangered species according to most wildlife monitoring organizations and conservation groups.

3- The list of endangered species in this country is growing at an alarming rate.

4- The island of Australia harbors many plant and animal species which are not found in any other part of the world.

5- A certain species of turtles can store and use viable sperm for at least three years following mating.

6- Environmentalists are asking the government to pass stricter laws to protect endangered species.

7- Many species of insects are lower in fat, and higher in protein than beef, lamb, pork, or chicken.

8- Odor or smell is the factor that initiates sexual arousal in many species.

9- There is a rare species of iguana in Fiji which is believed to have drifted to the islands from South America thousands of years ago.

10- Of the million-plus species of insects on Earth, 3,000 of them are mosquitoes.

11- No two individuals of the same species are identical.

12- It is not entirely certain if birds descended from dinosaurs or if they arose as a totally different species.

13- It has been estimated that, as a result of the destruction, fifty species of wildlife are disappearing from the earth each day.

14- In 1880, there were approximately 2 billion birds known as passenger pigeons in the United States, but by 1914, the species was extinct.

15- Many great whales are now on the endangered species list.

16- There are thousands of fossils in existence showing the evolutionary path of many different species.

17- Some species of dinosaurs had large spikes on their tails or backs for defense.

18- In August 1996, British scientists reported they had transplanted the hearts of seven pigs into monkeys, the first time this had been successfully done from one species to another.

19- Sustainability is an urgent imperative for humanity if we are to survive as a species.

20- usualSwamps provide important wetlands for various species of birds, animals and insects.

21- The exact origins of the human species are subject to broad speculation.

22- In the Marxist view, we must eat in order to survive, hence, the first activity of our species must be economic.

23- One finding to emerge was that critical features differ between species.

24- The number of species living on earth probably numbers somewhere in the magnitude of between ten and one hundred million.

25- Genes are a means of transmitting characteristics from one generation to the next, thereby continuing the species.

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