antidote in a sentence

You are truly an antidote for my melancholy.

Joan Baez once suggested that action is the antidote to despair.

There is an Arab proverb which holds that good qualities never cancel out the bad, just as sugar is no antidote for poison.

There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which says that good qualities never cancel out the bad, just as sugar is no antidote for poison.

The only antidote to this is information about the gruesome reality.

While the antidote isn’t just volunteering, research implies that it may help.

Be careful before diving in 6 photos Urine is not an antidote to the venom of a jellyfish.

794701 These children seemed like the natural recipients for the antidote to hate, she said.”

417933 It’s the perfect antidote to the freezing weather, the ideal way to spend the next snow day.