melancholy in a sentence

She fell prey to melancholy.

Her words were filled with melancholy.

We sensed a melancholy note in his voice.

He was overcome by a feeling of melancholy.

You are truly an antidote for my melancholy.

And then I breathe a sigh from melancholy in being unable to do anything about it.

Unfortunately Christmas, Again equates melancholy with mopey and dull.

Infectious but melancholy, the single is a torch song for the dance floor.

So if you’re looking to get your melancholy on then Waxahatchee will scratch that itch.

The second movement, a slow Andante, opens with violas and cellos playing a melancholy melody.

He is staring into his computer, which he normally uses to flood his bar with melancholy music.

If Miyazaki is right, When Marnie Was There’s melancholy, elegiac tale takes on a new poignance.

Early suggestions have included a leonard, a contemplation, a melancholy, a Cohenista and a fedora.