76- There is an African proverb which states that scandal is like an egg, when it is hatched it has wings.

77- In traditional African communities, cattle are considered a measure of a family's wealth and prestige.

78- Many African slaves captured for sale in America died during the difficult journey across the Atlantic.

79- The Serengeti National Park has among the greatest concentrations of wildlife on the African continent.

80- In the early 1880s, many people were outraged by a plan to create an African colony for American blacks.

81- In the African nation of Chad, there are only 55 girls for every 100 boys enrolled in elementary school.

82- There is an African proverb which states that the more intimate the friendship, the deadlier the enmity.

83- John Jay , the first American Chief Justice, bought African slaves only so that he could then free them.

84- An African proverb tells us that without human companions, paradise itself would be an undesirable place.

85- An African proverb tells us, "Hunt in every jungle, for there is wisdom and good hunting in all of them.

86- "There is an African proverb which states that silence gives rise to peace, and with peace comes security.

87- An African proverb notes that he who is drunk from wine can sober up, he who is drunk from wealth cannot.

88- An African proverb suggests that a man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.

89- African religions were brought to Cuba by the thousands of slaves transported to the island by the Spanish.

90- A South African proverb notes that when the elephant is killed, all the tribes gather together to eat of it.

91- During 20 years of wars, massacres and conflict, the Gala brewery in the African nation of Chad never closed.

92- Village life in this small African nation has remained largely intact despite the pressures of modernization.

93- My neighbor's daughter has two nationalities because her mother is Japanese, and her father is South African.

94- The voodoo religion of Haiti is a celebration of their African roots, and is expressed through dance and song.

95- A couple of hundred years ago, African slaves were treated as a simple commodity, rather than as human beings.

96- Scarcely 100 years old, the capital city of Djibouti is home to two-thirds of the African nation's population.

97- South African President DeKlerk was successful in negotiating a peaceful end to all-white rule in that country.

98- An African proverb notes that those who wear pearls do not know how often the shark bites the leg of the diver.

99- Gorillas are so common in the African country of Gabon that they've become somewhat of an environmental nuisance.

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