1- Adolf Hitler's favorite dog, Blondi, an Alsatian, was used to make sure his cyanide capsules were lethal.

2- Hitler used the cyanide to commit suicide only after he saw it worked on Blondi.

3- The first activity was an Alsatian-style cookery class where they would eat what they cooked.

4- The overall length of the Alsatian Shepalute is longer than tall.

5- The word is usually pronounced in French ("Le Racing") or in Alsatian ("D'Racing") without any English accentuation.

6- The building's inside has been decorated on all floors by lavish frescoes by Alsatian painter Léo Schnug (1878-1933).

7- The dashing Bruckmann - an Alsatian with a German family name and fiercely patriotic French heart - manages to penetrate Steel City.

8- » Even if he obtained his permission, the Alsatian-Lorraine soldier had to wait three weeks to let the local police investigate his family.

9- The nearby Village of Bredle is supplied with its namesake traditional Christmas biscuits and copious amounts of mulled Alsatian wine.

10- True to the personality of smaller dogs bred for companionship, the Alsatian Shepalute enjoys snuggling and being close to its owners.

11- The Alsatian are able to inflict a severe defeat to the Parisians with 94-45 in a match that was eventually stopped by a violent storm.

12- Graham intervened, he along with a gang of thugs and his pet Alsatian, Prince, confronted Den and ordered him to stay away from Colin and Barry.

13- Adolf Hitler's favorite dog, Blondi, an Alsatian, was used to make sure his cyanide capsules were lethal. Hitler used the cyanide to commit suicide only after he saw it worked on Blondi.

14- 626433 An Alsatian dog, referred to as Satan, is his adversary. 21.0017

15- Life He began his career in the French military in 1697 and took over the Alsatian regiment.

16- Baron Jacob Adolphe Reinach Not to be confused with the Alsatian line of the barons of Reinach.

17- An Alsatian by birth, he belonged mainly to French Switzerland, where he spent most of his life.

18- Many Alsatians also began to sail to the United States, settling in many areas from 1820 to 1850.

19- Gorilla vs. Bear ranked B-side "Alsatian Darn" the 7th best track of 2010 in their "Songs of 2010" list.

20- 644317 The French Assemblée Nationale allowed a tax on HGVs using the Alsatian road network in 2005. 40.5161

21- Kodiak, Mrs Knelle's huge shaggy Alsatian, barked at me excitedly but was soon soothed by his mistress.

22- The Aquarian Alsatian or the Capricorn collie would come to little harm from canine astrology.

23- A guard with a huge Alsatian stood near by.

24- A colossal bullfrog of a guard, in an olive-green uniform with red epaulets, is spitting at us in Russian while a huge Alsatian strains at the leash, barking ferociously.

25- The Aquarian Alsatian or the Capricorn collie would come to little harm from canine astrology.

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