1- Abbesses and prioresses may also be known as mother superior.

2- This Irish female name was also shared by four abbesses of Kildare.

3- This distance is also abbreviated as GM.

4- It also encourages victimhood and abdication of personal responsibility.

5- Fluid from the abdominal cavity can also be analysed for cancerous cells.

6- Low dispersion glass may also be used to reduce chromatic aberration .

7- Oh - it was high spirits and daft and cocky, of course: but it was also self-abasement .

8- He also writes that she should not take Holy Communion often - the spiritual father should first incline her to humility and self-abasement .

9- I also went.

10- He saw it also.

11- He will also go.

12- I also like cake.

13- I also went there.

14- She's also a beauty.

15- I also stopped sleeping.

16- He can also speak French.

17- He was also kind to animals.

18- My parents also have a farm.

19- I also had a very good time.

20- No answer is also an answer.

21- I also heard a similar story.

22- I am also a citizen of Tokyo.

23- This is also ideal as a gift.

24- I also did not call.

25- WestofEdenalso my bedding got dirt on it.

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