1- The film has also been highly acclaimed overseas.

2- The anime adaptation has also been critically acclaimed .

3- The film has also been highly acclaimed overseas.

4- Councilman Mike Bonin has also been upset about the whole situation.

5- Democrats have also been charged with race-baiting in recent history.

6- Friends and family of Nyland have also been combing through the area.

7- He's also been wailing a killer version Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing."

8- Many men who refuse to join Boko Haram's ranks have also been killed.

9- The Russian navy has also been going back and forth to Syria recently.

10- Data has also been published showing other pressures inside hospitals.

11- According to Europe 1 radio, around 40 grenades have also been stolen.

12- He had also been convicted in 2009 of robbing a gas bar with a handgun.

13- Following snow, a number of schools have also been closed across Wales.

14- Support for Nvidia cards with Maxwell architecture has also been added.

15- 60998 An international arrest warrant has also been issued for Abdeslam.

16- 490993 More than 7 million people have also been displaced inside Syria.

17- Dozens of trade agreements have also been signed over the last few years.

18- He caused it, but I've also been in the same boat and caused them before.

19- There have also been violent protests across the Palestinian territories.

20- 198358 Drivers have also been advised to drive carefully due to heavy fog.

21- In Whitehorse, food bank use has also been steadily rising in recent years.

22- Churches in Georgia and Ohio have also been struck by fire in recent weeks.

23- The test questions have also been reduced from 80 to 60," the ministry said.

24- Such well-known investors as Carl Icahn have also been betting on a rebound.

25- The friends have also been charged with murder and will be tried separately.

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