1- Nowadays, contemporary historians of New-Zealand's alpinism consider him as one figure.

2- The expedition members received the Olympic medal in alpinism at the 1924 Summer Olympic Games.

3- Back in 1924, the 1922 British Everest expedition team were awarded gold medals for alpinism .

4- Preuss became the most demanded lecturer on alpinism in the German-speaking world at that time.

5- Busteni is regarded as the cradle of Romanian alpinism and one of Romania's finest mountain resorts.

6- The Matterhorn Museum (Zermatt) relates the general history of the region from alpinism to tourism.

7- Besides that, the explorative character of alpinism gave way to the ascent of rock climbing as a sport.

8- Nowadays he continues to enjoy alpinism in all its forms and currently divides his time between the Lakes and the Alps.

9- Mountaineering is often called alpinism , especially in European languages, which implies climbing with difficulty such high mountains as the Alps.

10- This route, known afterwards as the Bonatti Pillar, is considered still today as one of the greatest achievements in alpinism .

11- Glacier House is considered "the first center of alpinism " in North America by American Alpine Club historian William Lowell Putnam.

12- Bužteni , at 885-925m, is the capital of Romanian alpinism . It is situated in the Prahova Valley on DN 1 - 136 km from Bucharest and 35 km from Bražov - below Caraiman Mountain.

13- alpinism remains at the heart of a worldwide business that still makes clothes for climbing - as well as for skiing, snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling and trail running.

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