1- Although not yet out of stealth yet, we understand the company already has some alpha testers and so far, so good.

2- Boiled Carl, alpha tester in this freak show, wasn't exactly sure how the whole U.V. feeding thing had even come about.

3- Version Alpha 0.1 was released for alpha testing in November 2005.

4- MajorMUD went into alpha testing on Nightline BBS on April 16, 1994.

5- The $ 17. 95 rate is guaranteed in perpetuity for users who sign up by the end of June.30. The feature is currently in closed alpha testing, meaning there are a limited number of spots available, but you can sign up to get your name on the invite list now.

6- A download link for the next generation of Samba, version 4, also appears on the main page; however, Samba version 4 is in alpha testing and has been for years.

7- Overdraw visualization mode does not do alpha testing now. alpha tested pixels still cost on the GPU, so better to visualize the real cost.

8- Momentile is still in private alpha testing, but we have ten invites to give away for now - just send an email to 'momentile AT frederic.otherinbox.com' and we will get one to you ASAP.

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