1- a long time ago, there was a young man.

2- NB Drawn a long time ago so the quality is poor.

3- a long time ago, there lived an old king on a small island.

4- a long time ago, most people lived in groups that moved around as the seasons changed.

5- 16483 Actually, it's what's left of a star that died and exploded a long time ago.

6- In the Cobalt's case, at least some GM engineers knew about the problem a long time ago.

7- 409829 It seems we are being penalised for something that happened to us a long time ago.

8- If it was as easy as fixing it, I'm pretty sure it would have been fixed a long time ago.

9- a long time ago, a prince from the east was sent westward by his father to retrieve a pearl.

10- "Like a lot of my plays, it's something I started writing in bits and pieces a long time ago.

11- 326308 If it were a business, it would have been shut down a long time ago, he wrote in March."

12- Alex Mouland also came to terms a long time ago, that Kate will likely break her current camera.

13- I was a Ted, but it feels like a long time ago, and that's because it probably was a long time ago.

14- I realized a long time ago that I needed to have some kind of routine, she shares of her fitness plan.

15- 455932 Laura: I was thinking, I should have had sex a long time ago, all my friends already had it."""

16- You were forgiven a long time ago .

17- Parallel programming appeared a long time ago .

18- Flying stopped being flying a long time ago .

19- It was changed a long time ago .

20- I was expelled a long time ago .

21- That was a long time ago though.

22- The working class was abandoned a long time ago .

23- Human life began a long time ago .

24- I stopped watching mainstream media a long time ago .

25- Those days must seem a long time ago .

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