1- I want to be able to pull out my phone and capture a shot, not agonise over settings and scene modes.

2- Pauline doesn't often agonise over decorating decisions.

3- This executive toy removes that need to agonise over difficult decisions.

4- This forced the agonised horses to throw their riders.

5- The atrocities around him agonised and traumatized him.

6- Cromwell agonised for six weeks over the offer.

7- Every girl or woman I know does agonise over every meal.

8- As the Tories agonise , a recurring question goes unanswered.

9- Phil agonises over the loss of his son.

10- An agonised expression passed over Aunt Margaret's face.

11- Rory gazed helplessly at him through haunted, agonised eyes.

12- The incident was the subject of agonised debate in the Dáil.

13- Pauline doesn't often agonise over decorating decisions.

14- This executive toy removes that need to agonise over difficult decisions.

15- Every girl or woman I know does agonise over every meal.

16- Phil agonises over the loss of his son.

17- Nowadays many of us agonise over the " work-life" balance.

18- Apparently he agonised over his discovery and kept it secret for a year.

19- But don't agonise over this; just go with your best instinct.

20- The civil administrations agonised over how far they could oppose the registration of these orders.

21- We agonise over what we do and the decisions we have to make .

22- There is no evidence that Armstrong agonised over his decision to go into armament production.

23- Epstein agonised over the decision.

24- As data journalists , we agonise over how to represent the true impact of an event.

25- I agonise over them.

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