1- A head-in-the-sand ostrich policy will only prolong the agony .

2- Barack Obama has definitively joined the ranks of those who seek to prolong the agony .

3- We also do not want to prolong the agony of the complaint respondents".

4- The idea was to prolong the agony , not to make the victim more comfortable.

5- Goodness knows I do not wish to prolong the agony , but I feel some clarity is needed.

6- They are now 20 years older and must realise that to remain silent is to prolong the agony for Brian's parents.

7- Then, as if to prolong the agony , the South Whidbey girls danced through almost two complete, five-minute overtime periods with the Trojans before junior Natalie Schmidt put the gamWar only creates chaos, it will never bring lasting peace, and fighting with killing machines to keep the turmoil from reaching our shores will only prolong the agony .

8- You said you'd wait till I came to you of my own free will; let's not prolong the agony any longer.

9- But with thousands of jobs in mining and the offshore industry at stake, it would be unkind to prolong the agony too long.

10- Elephants can be trained to execute prisoners in a variety of ways , and can be taught to prolong the agony of the victim by inflicting a slow death by torture or to kill the condemned quickly by stepping on the head.

11- All presented with plenty of Michael Bay Slo-Mo just to prolong the agony and make us loathe the aesthetic as much as the script .

12- To suggest that there is an interested and informed big brother, on whom one side could lean, to give it some advantage over the other, is only to prolong the agony .

13- But this would only prolong the agony of a continent which is stuck in recession , and has youth unemployment in excess of 50 per cent in some member states.

14- " We don't want to prolong the agony of anyone.

15- Don't worry, Mr Vass, there's not the slightest chance of my wishing to prolong the agony of our arrangement.

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