1- He died in agony five days later .

2- It is not fun and cultivates deep agonies .

3- I spent the weekend writhing in agony when my gallstone started to move.

4- Frances experienced the red alert as agony .

5- Discussion question: Is it acceptable to put animals through agony in order to further scientific knowledge? agricultureHis arms over his head were an agony .

6- The victim's legs had been crushed under the car and she was in obvious agony.

7- Author Maya Angelou once stated that there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

8- She screamed in agony.

9- He held back a cry of agony.

10- This was a show of utter agony .

11- Feely snaps her neck to spare her from her suffering and death agonies .

12- His face is a mask of unbelievable agony .

13- Some people, Christine says, may have gone through agonies with their Romanian babies.

14- Gaza's agony does not end there.

15- Words such as 'the island nation's agony and cries' were included in the introduction.

16- It brought all the agonies of doubt and self-criticism which we can too easily forget.

17- But these are idle recollections, the mean and ordinary agonies of hu- man history.

18- The rabbit finds himself in worse agony .

19- For readers, it is pure agony .

20- The last is an Indian remedy and will cure in the agonies of death.

21- Taiwanese are not so foolish that they will choose to prolong their agony.

22- Even eating or drinking was an agony .

23- Leaders of the EU declared this week that it has "failed" in the face of human agony on its frontiers.

24- This agony went on until my second class, geometry.

25- I am filled with those bitter agonies , and loathe my very being.

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