1- Many animals die an agonizing death in the name of scientific progress.

2- Choosing to quit my job and go back to school was an agonizing decision for me.

3- She suffered an agonizing death when she was caught in the machinery at the factory.

4- Stuart went through a few agonizing weeks waiting to find out if he had passed all his exaMs. She did a lot of agonizing before deciding to take her children and leave her abusive husband.

5- 505298 Nevertheless, publicly antagonizing Rove comes with its own risks.

6- When our business leaders meet with President Xi, they face agonizing choices.

7- It was family that Milgaard missed most during those 23 agonizing years in prison.

8- In Austria, 71 people, including four children, agonizingly suffocate in the back of a truck.

9- After an agonizing year-long wait, Boone was notified in 2005 he'd been matched with a donor.

10- Facing Mecca, she kneels down for the dawn prayer, and spends her day agonizing about their situation.

11- After many agonizing hours the operation is finished.

12- Another agonizing thing has been missing your feedback.

13- Not blogging has been simultaneously glorious and agonizing .

14- Her silence throughout that scene is agonizing .

15- My recovery has been long and agonizing .

16- Doctors told police his death was agonizing .

17- Henry lingered for ten agonizing days before dying a cruel death.

18- Earnhardt has endured several agonizing droughts over the past seven seasons.

19- The faith-the gospel-is worth agonizing for.

20- The party has been agonizing and analyzing since the election.

21- His death was painful and agonizing , doctors told investigators.

22- Satan is then shown screaming in agonizing defeat.

23- While the procedure is simple, the decisions are sometimes agonizing .

24- The more masses said for an agonizing soul the better.

25- It's an agonizing thing until the child is born.

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