26- This makes Kudos 2 a game of agonizing choices.

27- The original concept had the weapon "being slow and agonizing ".

28- That was the agonizing part - holding back.

29- It was agonizing when I lay in bed.

30- Every moment would have been an agonizing terror .

31- It was all very agonizing , of course.

32- agonizing screams filled the air day and night.

33- For Jennings, the situation was agonizing .

34- It was the most dramatically agonizing moment of the whole passion!

35- It will be an extremely agonizing process with very grave consequences.

36- This game had been postponed a tantalizing, agonizing week.

37- A year later he died after suffering months of agonizing pain.

38- One night, he suffered an agonizing attack of meningitis.

39- Sometimes her belly would puff up, causing agonizing pain.

40- Instead of agonizing over balance, get excited and create change .

41- I was agonizing over what I would wear to hide my eczema.

42- agonizing over what to say, he was suddenly struck by inspiration.

43- Much of the chapter involves Ivan agonizing over the suffering of the innocent.

44- It was hardly a conscious decision , certainly not one I recall agonizing over .

45- Do n't spend time agonizing over mistakes made in the past, or missed opportunities.

46- At that time it was real agonizing about science.

47- We are agonizing about this.

48- It was an agonizing setback, especially following a promising freshman season, but it caused Fagaly to look at the sport in a new way.

49- Yulia Krasova says she witnessed the long, agonizing death of a street dog when she walked out of a movie theater in Sochi two weeks ago.

50- ASEAN, however, appeared unwilling to risk antagonizing China, which exerts huge political and economic influence over much of the region.

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