26- Helping get the union started has been an absolute nightmare, but the end result is well worth the effort.

27- In 1911, the Parliament Act removed from the British House of Lords its absolute power of veto over legislation.

28- There is a wide range of abilities in our tennis club, from absolute beginners to those who have played professionally.

29- President Niyazov of Turkmenistan is said to retain absolute control over the country, and opposition is not tolerated.

30- John Dingman once suggested that cats are absolute individuals with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own.

31- In the course of conducting research, we can never know with absolute certainty whether we have achieved valid measurement of variables.

32- More than 1.

33- 3 billion people, one quarter of the world's population, live in absolute poverty, struggling to survive on less than a dollar a day.

34- In recent years, with a method called VLBI that uses quasar observations, and by GPS we have begun to understand the absolute movement of tectonic plates.

35- David Suzuki notes that from our first cry announcing our arrival on earth to our very last sigh at the moment of death, our need for air is absolute.

36- signal519247 Now the Huskies have pushed themselves to the absolute brink.

37- We only make the absolute top products in Switzerland, says Zeidler.

38- There's an absolute decline for the first time in history, he added.

39- This whole war on drugs has been an absolute failure across the board.

40- Our commitment to remain in the eurozone is absolute, Varoufakis said.

41- This is an absolute farce, Jaso said of the school district's reaction.

42- It's not a negotiable school budget item-it's an absolute requirement.'

43- 788042 There was no absolute way of hermetically sealing yourself off."""

44- Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said, "It is an absolute disastrous mess.

45- The Pavilion is an absolute gem as the night became aligned with the stars.

46- This is now an absolute priority, said a Russian Foreign Ministry statement.

47- The absolute pressure put on mother's to breastfeed is, frankly, disgusting.

48- There is an absolute imperative that this is effectively addressed," he said.

49- A higher level of meds than the absolute minimum is sometimes a good approach.

50- I was absolute rubbish at playing football, but have always loved watching it.'

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