26- She was absorbed in writing a poem.

27- The task absorbed all his energies.

28- The dog is absorbed in his exercise.

29- He is absorbed in the study of Latin.

30- He was completely absorbed in the book.

31- He was completely absorbed in his book.

32- Business absorbs all his time.

33- blay_paulHe was completely absorbed in his work.

34- She was absorbed in reading comic books.

35- The cloth absorbed the ink I had spilled.

36- She was absorbed in reading a fairy tale.

37- She was absorbed in reading the magazine.

38- The children were absorbed in their game.

39- I have been absorbed in reading a mystery.

40- He looked absorbed in reading the article.

41- He is completely absorbed in his business.

42- He is absorbed in reading detective novels.

43- He is absorbed in the study of linguistics.

44- He is absorbed in reading a detective story.

45- I can't absorb all of the lesson in an hour.

46- He is absorbed in his manga magazine.

47- WestofEdenThe boy was absorbed in playing a computer game.

48- He is absorbed in the study of the Fuzzy Theory.

49- Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

50- The kids were absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

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