abstraction thus mainly giv">

1- His abstractions were " abstracted " from nature.

2- This abstraction thus mainly gives architectural flexibility.

3- Another great advantage is that paper supports multiple abstraction levels.

4- Participation was higher when abstraction levels were lower.

5- Medical chart abstraction was conducted to verify eligibility.

6- He turned more and more towards abstraction .

7- The power of abstraction must replace both.

8- This high level of abstraction avoids restricting implementation options.

9- The library provides both low level control and high level abstraction .

10- Both geometric abstraction and lyrical abstraction are often totally abstract.

11- Both geometric abstraction and lyrical abstraction are often totally abstract.

12- Data abstraction allows handling data bits in meaningful ways.

13- The key design goal of device drivers is abstraction .

14- The method of abstraction has several interconnected uses.

15- Process based painting and concept based abstraction are explored.

16- Any applications for water abstraction licences must therefore be carefully considered.

17- It was a variety of abstraction exercise.

18- But some changes are blamed unfairly on abstraction .

19- That abstraction we are calling a role.

20- A final process that guides our thinking is reflective abstraction .

21- Different levels of abstraction contain different levels of detail.

22- Her own work was also tending towards abstraction .

23- They saw analogy as a shared abstraction .

24- They posited that pure abstraction could express pure spirituality.

25- Another philosophical tool for discussion of abstraction is thought space.

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