1- His moods alternated between abstracted preoccupation and outbursts of excited talk.

2- However, no useful conversion rate has been abstracted yet.

3- Nor are aspects deduced or abstracted from things.

4- The abstracted philosopher is only one specimen.

5- The board shall determine the standard form for the abstracted certificates.

6- The notes below have been abstracted from the following reports.

7- Weekly accounts should be abstracted to produce a final account.

8- Also, some deeds and estate papers are abstracted .

9- The same would apply to the abstracted car driver.

10- So much for abstracted precision thinking on my part.

11- The third figure is the most abstracted and schematic.

12- These seem familiar yet are oddly abstracted from children's lived experiences.

13- His abstractions were " abstracted " from nature.

14- When he put down the papers at last he looked abstracted .

15- All the examples on the right are abstracted from design elements.

16- This abstracted arrangement is known as a 'virtual product'.

17- Thousands of separate measurements can be abstracted into relatively simple representations.

18- Numbers also frame the abstracted domain of technology and machines.

19- The direct product can be abstracted to an arbitrary category.

20- Using this data can be either hidden or abstracted .

21- All of our input there is artificial and abstracted .

22- Complex shapes can be abstracted to make simple shapes.

23- Ideas were not to be abstracted from real things.

24- How will one communicate in this abstracted space?

25- This abstracted water is reallocated to users.

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