1- Known originally as the Lewisburg High School, it became, in 1848, the academical and Primary Department of the University at Lewisburg.

2- In order to be able to move forward academically, a firm foundation in Studia Humanitatis starting from elementary school was necessary.

3- Its early years were rocky as there was a common misconception about technical schools that only less-academically inclined boys attended.

4- Their period of intense friendship was then followed by a period of intense animosity during which Gene strives to out-do Finny academically.

5- Dakin House dormitory Since 2002, the school has taken several steps to expand the school and attract more academically conventional students.

6- It has been academically proven by Mathias and alii that people who can touch type can quickly recover 50 to 70% of their two hands operation.

7- The 1920s were a prosperous and rewarding time for the chapter as its membership excelled both academically and in extra-curricular activities.

8- It is recommended for those who are academically-gifted and/or truly willing to put in time and dedication, in order to enhance their education.

9- To this day the NH is awarded to students who earn a letter academically or athletically and is proudly displayed on letterman jackets school wide.

10- He instructed the Terrapins' quarterbacks coach Lee Corso to find a black player who was academically and athletically suited to come to College Park.

11- 805366 The study discovered that excelling academically is considered 'acting white.'

12- Those who attend school while menstruating still miss out, both socially and academically.

13- If the kids are here, not only are they engaged academically, they are going to show growth.

14- He was a brilliant kid, academically, doing very well in engineering at the school this year.

15- "I'd tell him to prepare himself; academically, if academics are the right direction for him.

16- A transfer student from Georgia State University, I had had several close calls academically.

17- Similarly, bishops were included in the academical councils.

18- Studies reveal that physically attractive people are often viewed as healthier, and more inclined to succeed academically.

19- The academically talented students helped others in the classroom.

20- However, STU and UNBF itself are financially and academically separate.

21- Eduard Imof retired from teaching academically in 1965.

22- Yu found himself a poor student, both financially and academically.

23- academically a high-performing student, Percy received twelve OWLs.

24- The poorer a neighbourhood is, the more church attendance helps kids academically.

25- On January 27, 2009, Choi was declared academically ineligible.

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