1- Plain chocolate was becoming quite absurdly rare.

2- Modern hard drives are absurdly large compared to music files .

3- The map is absurdly huge, measuring 40 square kilometres.

4- Plus statues of limitation are sometimes absurdly short.

5- This is absurdly puzzling logic on both fronts.

6- In calm scenes this merely looks absurdly unnatural .

7- The U.S. medical system is absurdly expensive .

8- The media view of Newcastle supporters is absurdly twisted.

9- You are absurdly careless about sending out invitations.

10- Sometimes the rhetoric became positively and absurdly hyperbolic.

11- Afterwards he had felt absurdly near to tears.

12- Now, this might sound absurdly obvious.

13- So the rate of death for helmet users is absurdly high.

14- The range of outcomes for any particular pitch is absurdly broad .

15- In addition to this , air travel is absurdly cheap nowadays.

16- But "the number is absurdly inflated," he insisted.

17- The long passes that did reach Kevin Davies proved absurdly ineffective.

18- He doesn't demand an absurdly high return on investment.

19- But unlike most, my dream job is absurdly specific.

20- Punishment for these acts was either nonexistent or absurdly light.

21- The answer is almost absurdly simple : They spoke first.

22- Early attempts were absurdly bulky , inflexible and needed too much electricity.

23- I reply: that's absurdly hypothetical.

24- To begin with, the actual battlefield seemed so absurdly small.

25- Blue jeans are absurdly popular as casual wear in the USA .

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