1- My prior efforts at gardening were abysmal .

2- The service was nothing short of abysmal .

3- Their passing offense was abysmal , however.

4- Chicago 's defense has been equally abysmal .

5- His teams were marked by high scoring offenses and abysmal defenses.

6- Battery life seems greatly improved but it was abysmal previously.

7- Enrollment dropped to 34 and test scores were abysmal .

8- It has varied between ordinary and abysmal since then .

9- No wonder psychiatry's track record is so abysmal .

10- Fashion is abysmal and there is still violence!

11- Its productivity is also abysmal by global standards .

12- The Government's housing policy is abysmal .

13- The study was fine, but the media coverage was abysmal .

14- My 20 years of experience with IT departments has been abysmal .

15- More than 25 years later, the status quo remains abysmal .

16- The quality of life in the later years is often abysmal .

17- Our intentions were flawless; our skills and execution abysmal .

18- This educational stagnation is the answer to the abysmal results.

19- The the the quality of drug company testing is abysmal .

20- I thought the players' behaviour and discipline were abysmal .

21- The performances have been abysmal from several players you included .

22- Voter turnout for school board primaries will be abysmal .

23- They merely show the abysmal incompetence of the authorities.

24- Law's Platoon also initially endured abysmal living conditions.

25- Um, because his writing is utterly abysmal ?

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