26- And it was true that Rodie was very abstracted throughout dinner.

27- The real situations from which they are abstracted are messes.

28- That paper was abstracted by someone who did not know Polish.

29- As it was, her abstracted mood did not go unnoticed.

30- Length or quantity refers to the abstracted duration of the vowel.

31- All creativity was abstracted from people and concentrated on him.

32- She was thinner, abstracted and often seemed unaware of her surroundings.

33- Some fishing occurs in the lakes and water is abstracted for irrigation.

34- Some is licenced to be abstracted for spray irrigation of crops.

35- The study of kinematics can be abstracted into purely mathematical functions.

36- Abstract labor is REALLY abstracted , i.e. separated, i.e. alienated.

37- abstracted : A systemic necropsy examination of 55 pilot whales is described.

38- Only James remained as abstracted as he had all day yesterday.

39- His expression took on its normal abstracted , slightly troubled, look.

40- We have not abstracted from out of that temporal continuity.

41- A sudden noise abstracted their attention from the game.

42- They are fellow prospectors pressing deeper into an abstracted world, content most of the time to pick up an occasional nugget but dreaming of the mother lode.

43- Objective To study method of GTF abstracted from chromium-rich brewer's yeast, determine content of amino acid in abstract.

44- Swarm Intelligence is an untraditional computational intelligence technology which is abstracted from individual cognitive behavior and law of group cognitive.

45- You absolutely are a abstracted with a top faculty of puraffectation and an avantgarde way of cerebration.

46- The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer.

47- Mattie grunted abstractedly, totally engrossed in peering at the various plastic containers and bowls in the refrigerator.

48- Be about to communicate complete spirit the target that should become a gender, target itself can make a person abstracted, importune spirit desire syncretic , achieve not easily instead.(15) Diabetic, nephrosis, hypertensive, heart diseaseWhatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster.

49- His countenance , as he came on, wore an abstracted and somewhat doleful air.

50- The poems come to you abstracted from the contexts in which they were originally produced and read, from their place in a body of work, in a book, in a magazine, in a life that produThe process information is data-abstracted in the paper, which includes analyzing and describing the hypostasis of CAPP.

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