26- The Anglophone delegates requested adjournment to discuss matters.

27- Normal breakpoints pace the discussion with topic shifts and adjournments .

28- The House discussed that in an adjournment debate last week.

29- adjournments will not necessarily be granted even where all parties consent.

30- The adjournment was because Judge Ireland had commitments in Scotland.

31- Vroom granted an adjournment until Tuesday at 11 am.

32- Finally, defense asked for adjournment as a key witness fell ill.

33- adjournments by parties designed to prolong criminal trials have also been banned .

34- That would make a good adjournment debate.

35- adjournment debates are hard won and precious to Back-Bench Members.

36- This termination represents the latest sine die adjournment among the 15 lame duck sessions.

37- Court proceedings were disrupted after McDonald was acquitted , prompting a brief adjournment .

38- adjournment : Adjourned at 8:15 pm.

39- As the meeting nears adjournment however, Saskia is poisoned.

40- I raised that matter on the adjournment of the House.

41- And it 's during the recess, not during any temporary adjournment .

42- I think a vote on adjournment is a vote on the merits.

43- From there, even Nel agreed Pistorius needed an adjournment, so an adjournment came while viewers rummaged around for some context.

44- His lawyer asked for an adjournment so he could change out of his suit, allowing Pistorius to show how short he is without his prostheses on.

45- Leon Brittan to MT (24 January, 1986) On 27 January Labour set down an adjournment motion.

46- He had the advantage for much of the game, but missed a difficult win after adjournment, then later declined a draw.

47- The bill was passed the last day of the session, knowing that if the Governor did not veto it before adjournment, it would become law.

48- The judge granted us a short adjournment.

49- Where there are concurrent criminal proceedings a parent may seek an adjournment of the care proceedings until the criminal process is completed.

50- Where there are concurrent criminal proceedings a parent may seek an adjournment of the care proceedings until the criminal process is completed.

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