26- His yearbook entry notes that he earned ``the sincere admiration of his classmates.'

27- I wouldn't say it is surprising, but I'm elated to know (of her wide admiration), he said.

28- Getty Images Caitlyn Jenner's arrival into the scorching limelight has incited much admiration.

29- My coming out wouldn't garner hundreds of likes on social media and the admiration of the press.

30- Michael lost that battle, although safety Earl Thomas remarked with admiration, 'That took balls.'

31- Cats have it all, he once wrote, "admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it."

32- Of course it's fascinating to learn about the labour that led to a great work, and it increases our admiration for the artist.

33- Similarly, in Jordan, admiration for bin Laden plummeted in 2005 after a series of suicide bombings killed scores of people in the capital.

34- After three failed marriages, he met Diane Sawyer at an airport and they were compelled to declare their mutual admiration for one another.

35- She has complete admiration for the courage of her fellow helpers, who worked steadily despite the possibility of the danger from another gunman.

36- He has long considered Magic a friend and has only the utmost respect and admiration for him-both in terms of who he is and what he has achieved.

37- In interviews, Abu Khattala professed his admiration for Osama bin Laden and blamed U.S. foreign policy for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

38- 781), love and admiration still waited on him.

39- This earns her Dennis' respect and admiration.

40- My admiration of the man and his works is boundless."

41- admiration for Hyuuga has given her courage to fight.

42- He and the boys have mutual admiration for each other.

43- ''Indeed the top of admiration! worth What's dearest to the world!

44- His legacy earned him the broad admiration of the Georgian people.

45- The Romans looked upon the Greek civilisation with great admiration.

46- Holmes's relationship to Adler Adler earns Holmes's unbounded admiration.

47- Harold's admiration for Tolstoy was not only literary, but philosophical.

48- The attitudes towards the Church had changed from hostility to admiration.

49- Due to his admiration for stags, he took his second name for the creature.

50- In the end, she returns to Marseille with Edmond's respect and admiration.

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