26- Its admirers say it is the consummate manager.

27- But his admirers appear to have missed something.

28- I too am an admirer , from afar.

29- I was a great admirer of his conducting.

30- None of her admirers were as talented.

31- He was a legendary figure, with many admirers .

32- We suspect that she had many secret admirers , though.

33- The movie did have a number of admirers .

34- You start to wonder who your secret admirer is.

35- Edward is a great admirer of Shakespeare.

36- Claude Martin has had his admirers and detractors.

37- Grossman has been a longtime admirer of former Packers.

38- The shopping centre's design has both its admirers and detractors.

39- With it was a love letter from another admirer .

40- I was a great admirer of such a stylish actor.

41- He might just win himself some new admirers yet.

42- How do you handle your female admirers ?

43- His number of batting practice admirers also keeps going up .

44- We have always been admirers of your moustache .

45- His last home was dominated by Hilton portraits sent by admirers .

46- Most of these admirers end up being friends .

47- Already, his admirers and aides watch him pass, standing slightly aside, all quiet deference to the man who is not quite yet in charge.

48- The accessory suggested travel, glamour, Hollywood starlets avoiding the gaze of their admirers or the flash and pop of paparazzi cameras.

49- Northwest Bears is a Gay men's social and service organization providing a focal point within the Gay community for Bears and Bear admirers.

50- Sir Knight has many admirers including Will and Juan.

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