1- The court ruled the confession admissible anyway, since he had signed it.

2- After all, there's no point building a case if the evidence is inadmissible in court.

3- Traci Bullara McCann 5pts Thought that the results from lie detectors were inadmissible?

4- Lewis says The Supreme Court did the right thing in ruling Hart's confession inadmissible.

5- So references to bad character are never admissible .

6- It follows that the appeal is admissible .

7- A tape recording properly authenticated can be admissible .

8- The question is whether an item of evidence is admissible .

9- Similar fact evidence is only admissible in exceptional circumstances.

10- A confession is only admissible against its maker.

11- Overseas theory test results are not admissible for consideration.

12- An admissible intervention is treated as an opposition.

13- Confessions made during this period are admissible and often devastating.

14- The communication was declared admissible on 5 November 1992.

15- The Commission determined the petition was admissible .

16- Conversely, every Bayesian procedure is admissible .

17- As for being sued: our legally admissible defense?

18- Thus facts relating to a previous criminal record are not admissible .

19- The child victims' outcry statements to a counselor were admissible .

20- Is killing admissible as a form of punishment?

21- The finding constitutes admissible evidence if offered by a party.

22- A mere offer to pay will be admissible .

23- Would threats made by the victim be admissible ?

24- Only admissible evidence should be contained in the affidavit.

25- No amendments or motions from the floor were admissible .

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