1- adolescents are encouraged to be sexually abstinent until marriage and are not provided with information about contraception.

2- Beckham studied abnormality in children and adolescents.

3- The audience were mostly adolescents.

4- adolescents often quarrel with their parents.

5- I can't understand the psychology of adolescents.

6- Many adolescents are vulnerable to peer pressure.

7- I can not understand the psychology of adolescents.

8- This magazine is primarily aimed at adolescent girls.

9- It is said that adolescent friendships do not often last.

10- Find someone who has an adolescent sister or brother.

11- adoptSeventeen magazine caters to an adolescent female readership.

12- When I was an adolescent, I questioned everything in my life.

13- When a child becomes an adolescent, his body changes in many ways.

14- The guy is over 30, but he has kind of an adolescent sense of humor.

15- Discussion question: How has your character changed since you were an adolescent?Education about birth control might help cut down on adolescent pregnancies.

16- A group of adolescents were hanging around the park, laughing and playing frisbee.

17- We are studying deviant adolescent behavior in my psychology course at the moment.

18- He didn't get in any trouble as an adolescent because he was so busy playing sports.

19- Studies show that about 7 percent of American adolescents may be addicted to gambling.

20- There were a group of adolescents standing outside the arena, smoking and yelling at passersby.

21- Discussion question: Is adolescent rebellion against authority a necessary part of growing up? automaticThe teenager was dressed in the typical adolescent rebel uniform of bluejeans and leather jacket.

22- Patricia Meyer Spacks once said that an artist is like an adolescent, a dreamer and a revolutionary.

23- Economic trends have an especially severe impact on adolescents who are trying to become independent.

24- The teacher was trying to convey a sense of enthusiasm for reading poetry to a group of adolescent boys.

25- Patricia Meyer Spacks once suggested that an artist is like an adolescent: a dreamer and a revolutionary.

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