51- But neurosurgeons say that adolescent head injuries can be the most damaging, since they happen during a crucial developmental period.

52- These changes seem to be far more significant the earlier you start using marijuana, and early adolescent use leads to greater changes.

53- A U.S. Justice Department report earlier this year described a horrifying 'culture of violence' inside a facility for adolescent inmates.

54- The limbic system, the part of your brain that is involved in processing social and emotional information, develops early in adolescents.

55- The Children and adolescent Health Clinic has been expanded by the Nash County Health Department at its Nashville and Rocky Mount offices.

56- They noticed that the adolescent rats had trouble with their spatial learning, which has to do with navigating the surrounding environment.

57- Dr. Ortiz is a specialized psychiatrist in both child and adolescent care at Mercy Hospital and is currently practicing in Haileh, Florida.

58- A recent study found that sleep deprived adolescents were more likely to choose high calorie/low nutrient foods than healthier alternatives.

59- 'There are certainly going to be times when despite ones best efforts, children, especially adolescents may desire to leave,' Cole explained.

60- 507250 No scientific evidence supports the popular hypothesis that smoking among adolescents is an expression of rebellion against authority."

61- Coyote Central, a Seattle arts organization for adolescents, says youth learn technical and job skills while creating art for their community.

62- With sports, adolescents often have to choose between playing basketball and going to a party, between playing tennis and studying for a test.

63- Here, we can work to ensure that women and adolescents can access their right to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services.

64- adolescents who said they were further along in puberty and those who had trouble processing their emotions were most likely to report sexting.

65- The guidance states that adolescents should be able to seek contraceptive services without having to obtain permission from parents or guardians.

66- Clinical child psychologist Mitch Prinstein told Reuters Health the study underscores the need for parents to take adolescents' worries seriously.

67- What the paper does, in a dry and methodical manner, is explain how much we've learned about widespread use of marijuana by adolescents since 1993.

68- For adolescents, their frontal cortex - the region that governs decision-making, reasoning, insight and judgment - is still undergoing development.

69- 898045 'We know that adolescents make their behavioral decisions - in part - by looking at existing norms about certain behaviors among their peers.

70- Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., chairman of the subpanel, suggested the president's attitude may contribute to the growing use of marijuana among adolescents.

71- An adolescent with a Cap-and-Saddle pattern.

72- Journal of adolescent Research, 18(6), 664-681.

73- Psychotherapy with adolescents and their families.

74- Child and adolescent Social Work Journal, 16, 277-290.

75- Developmental-Systemic Family Therapy with adolescents.

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