1- Some posting on Play-Doh's Facebook page have said it's much ado about nothing.

2- From a European point of view, this wasn't simply a costly "much ado about nothing" meeting.

3- This month, rather surreptitiously and without much ado, the house dropped "Martin" from its name.

4- To some this may seem like much ado about nothing, but losing a lovey can feel like very big deal.

5- Judges almost always grant these without too much ado .

6- Database interface has been built using ado .

7- Without further ado , he began hauling himself upwards.

8- Without further ado , here is the exhaustive list.

9- Without much ado , the man was declared guilty.

10- Without more ado his fists went into action.

11- I had much ado to stand this communication.

12- Then without more ado I tipped him overboard.

13- So without further ado , let us begin.

14- I hastened there without delay or ado .

15- This is all much ado about nothing .

16- So without further ado ... the graphs!

17- Much ado is made about Black hair.

18- There follows a short list of steps to generate more ado .

19- Without further ado , he started off towards the school buildings.

20- Without further ado , here's why you should consider switching.

21- ado is made up of nine objects and four collections.

22- Without further ado , here's the base nearly finished.

23- Without further ado he hurried back down the steps.

24- Should we expect much ado for the mere engineer?

25- And without more ado he booked his one-way ticket.

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