1- Adolescence is viewed as time of transition.

2- He always regretted the misdeeds of his adolescence.

3- I cannot look back on my adolescence without feeling depressed.

4- How long adolescence continues is determined by biological factors.

5- Mary Pipher once said that adolescence is a border between childhood and adulthood.

6- In adolescence, a boy's voice changes, becoming much lower over a period of a few months.

7- The progression from adolescence to adulthood is often a difficult time for young people.

8- Male elephants are driven from their herd by the dominant females when they reach adolescence.

9- During adolescence, teenagers often prefer the company of their peers to that of their family.

10- John Ciardi once said that one doesn't have to suffer to be a poet, adolescence is enough suffering for anyone.

11- Earl Wilson once joked that snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough.

12- Someone once joked that adolescence is the period when children are certain they will never be as stupid as their parents.

13- Someone once remarked that adolescence is a period of rapid changes.

14- Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.

15- Mary Pipher once said that adolescence is when girls experience social pressure to put aside their authentic selves, and to display only a small portion of their gifts.

16- 'And that's when, at the same time, democracy and adolescence arrived.

17- A misty-eyed walk through the sports memories of my childhood and adolescence.

18- Depression in adolescence is often undiagnosed and may go untreated, she said.

19- Comments included: " Wonderful depiction of a young girl's journey through adolescence."

20- I thought back to the freeing nature of my adolescence when I wasn't tethered to anything.

21- T." by age 7. After a rough adolescence, she put her career back on track as an A-list star.

22- 'Kids hit adolescence and something snaps,' said Garnette, who first studied to be a psychologist.

23- Done View gallery BEIT UMAR, West Bank (AP) - The boys were both 15, with the crackly voices and awkward peach fuzz of adolescence.

24- "Many researchers believe that bulimia only appears at adolescence, but our (findings) indicate that the problem can arise much earlier.

25- I wish I could tell this mom that adolescence, while trying, can be fun for both mom and daughter if they can be flexible with each other.

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