1- He waved an admonitory finger at Corbett.

2- admonitory directives such as these did not necessarily improve morale in Negro units.

3- He wagged an admonitory finger to fend off any protest from Corbett.

4- Book 10: The Hortatory and admonitory Epigrams.

5- Sometimes he would communicate with individual flints, a continuous admonitory prattle broken by sudden triumphant squeals.

6- Terzaghi) and to Leo VI the Wise ( admonitory Chapters of Basil I).

7- His poetry was admonitory in nature and, taken as a whole, constituted an account of his political action.

8- They shared their dreams and aspirations, encouraged by the benevolent, admonitory , tutelary spirit of ample broad-faced Flora.

9- The specimens were proverbs or quotations, or little commonplace hortatory or admonitory sayings - the ones in the poem illustrate.

10- And the effects are terrific: doors open to reveal the rotating magnified eyeball or the admonitory finger of the predatory giant.

11- Objective To standardize the warning languages and the patterns in admonitory plates.

12- It has abundant thoughts and connotative animadversion, surging tensile force of life, gives profound sociological apocalypse and admonitory thinking on journalism and communication science.

13- Once this option is set, be what did not check,(www.) so you tell what cannot get watch of a requirement is founded afresh to change and the change admonitory message that carries out you.

14- Regard demonstrative part as admonitory information, this specification can add automatically at the news word that all giving out later.

15- This often is force of arterial internal pressure lifts suddenly, make the organ of sense of pain of hemal wall is behaved excitingly,[] it is the admonitory signal of cerebral hemorrhage.

16- He spoke in Tibetan, and his delivery was stern and admonitory , like a forbidding, old-fashioned father reprimanding his children.

17- When the accomplished mode system loses its analytic and admonitory forces, the situation of current theory become the motive force that we think and structure new ethical theories further.

18- This often is force of arterial internal pressure lifts suddenly, make the organ of sense of pain of hemal wall is behaved excitingly, it is the admonitory signal of cerebral hemorrhage.

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