51- Every aesthetic question is a "must" for human happiness.

52- Colors are a very critical property of aesthetic objects.

53- Means "are" ends in the aesthetic .

54- Some aesthetic improvements were made as well.

55- This holds true for both aesthetic and analytical applications.

56- The other strand of dramatic tradition was classical aesthetic theory.

57- Their aesthetic influence extends into the present.

58- This will enhance the areas aesthetic values.

59- Also, Roman theatre was more for aesthetic appeal.

60- Square wire is used because of its aesthetic value.

61- Joan's designs blend tradition with a contemporary aesthetic.

62- Moreover, Reymont never formulated an aesthetic of his writing.

63- Spreng's personal aesthetic and individual style is unmistakable.

64- The victim is portrayed bereft of all aesthetic or spiritual grace.

65- Frith, a satire on the influence of the aesthetic Movement in dress.

66- Bonsai are displayed according to a number of aesthetic conventions.

67- The aesthetic, geometry and rhythms of the calligraphy are unveiled.

68- And third, the element which made Tecton's work unique, the aesthetic.

69- aesthetic concerns replaced the didactic and a sense of form developed.

70- He was responsible for some fifteen aesthetic and modern mikvehs in America.

71- This theoretical aesthetic includes most importantly: intuitions and history.

72- Kierkegaard's author A is an example of an individual living the aesthetic life.

73- Much research has been done to find different hybrids with high aesthetic value.

74- Lighting The lighting of the cathedral is its least satisfying aesthetic feature.

75- Its pewter colored rippled bark adds to the attractive aesthetic of this species.

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