1- This all-pervading love was soon to be tested severely.

2- I have never been able to discover all-pervading determinism in history.

3- Why should Utopia have been such an all-pervading failure.

4- Chapman's influence on the subsequent development of football is all-pervading .

5- all-pervading for a short period but ephemeral in the long term.

6- Know the immortal all-pervading unseen Self beyond and free yourself from change.

7- It is all-pervading , infinite and made of infinite space-points.

8- Sizzle and aroma do not profane the all-pervading stillness.

9- Feel that you are the all-pervading , Infinite Light.

10- Meditate on the all-pervading nature of the air.

11- Concentrate on the all-pervading light of the sun.

12- The object of those writings was to establish the all-pervading rule of mechanism.

13- It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.

14- Feel "I am the all-pervading immortal Self or Atman.

15- Against this all-pervading force, there is only the principle of life.

16- Your whole soul should feel that you are the subtle, all-pervading Intelligence.

17- In the end the taste of tinned concentrated tomato became all-pervading and deadly.

18- It is unchangeable, all-pervading , stable, firm, and eternal.

19- Have the one all-pervading Brahma Bhavana (feeling).

20- I just remember the all-pervading feeling of reassurance that they gave me throughout.

21- This Spirit, which is referred to by various names, is all-pervading .

22- No pen can give an adequate description of the all-pervading corruption produced by slavery.

23- It seemed that the all-pervading light was weakening: it must have been late afternoon.

24- Thrift had to be seen as a goal, not an all-pervading reality.

25- As the all-pervading God sustains the universe, so may we sustain each other.

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