1- What is more all-pervasive , more corrosive than rumour?

2- Corruption is all-pervasive everywhere in the world.

3- Of course religious truth can be unique and all-pervasive .

4- New Mexico has formed my experience in an all-pervasive sense.

5- God is transcendent and all-pervasive at the same time.

6- There was that all-pervasive evening scent of cut grass and jasmine.

7- Since then they have become all-pervasive in Soviet military practice.

8- How all-pervasive is the orthodoxy of right-thinking people.

9- No one escaped his all-pervasive influence.

10- Could this be a sign that the Ministry's power is all-pervasive ?

11- Those in it who see right through to luminosity realise unobstructed all-pervasive knowing.

12- This new all-pervasive monad encompassed all creation and its original uncreated emanations.

13- The all-pervasive damp of the cloudforest doesn't make it easy to sleep.

14- The all-pervasive suffering of conditioning - this is subtle and far more difficult to understand.

15- Another view is that Ardhanarishvara is a symbol of Shiva's all-pervasive nature.

16- In the law, particularly that concerned with cultic activity, blood is all-pervasive .

17- But exactly how does this all-pervasive apolitical concept of art become so suffocatingly effective?

18- Greyness, clinging and all-pervasive , filled it like an atmosphere of cotton-wool.

19- Soul is absolute reality that is all-pervasive , eternal, indivisible, attributeless, pure consciousness.

20- Hydroflow, though, has become all-pervasive and is present in almost every trainer in the range.

21- He has four arms and is male: The four arms indicate his all-powerful and all-pervasive nature.

22- It is astounding how he kept hold of his uniqueness in all-pervasive era of Rabindranath Tagore.

23- While these events are going on, disillusionment with the performance of the Palestinian Authority is all-pervasive .

24- Contrary to popular belief, the Gestapo was not the all-pervasive , omnipotent agency in German society.

25- Bullying has always had negative consequences , but the all-pervasive reach of the online world magnifies its impact .

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