1- all right.

2- Are you all right?

3- He working all right.

4- It's quite all right.

5- It's all right with me.

6- He will come all right.

7- It's all right with him.

8- Everything is all right.

9- I'll fix it up all right.

10- I am quite all right now.

11- She's getting on all right.

12- Everything is all right now.

13- My answer will be all right.

14- It is all right so far.

15- Come on, it'll be all right.

16- His new car looked all right.

17- My watch is running all right.

18- She is all right at the moment.

19- She asked me if I was all right.

20- It'll come all right in the end.

21- all right.

22- I'll take it.

23- I'm sure we'll make it all right.

24- Would three o'clock be all right?

25- It is all right to eat out tonight?

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