1- Tulsi Das once noted that there are three all-powerful evils: lust, anger and greed.

2- But jubilant townsfolk may be inclined to put too much faith in all-powerful redeemers.

3- Within minutes, Benjamin Netanyahu changed from an all-powerful emperor into a lame duck.

4- It's about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps - to start with nothing and to become all-powerful.

5- Atman is all-pervading , all-blissful, all-powerful, all-knowing, eternally perfect and pure.

6- He has four arms and is male: The four arms indicate his all-powerful and all-pervasive nature.

7- His successors became all-powerful and demanded veneration as gods.

8- Government was all-powerful but responsible and humane.

9- It was the all-powerful lever that moved but too many events.

10- How does a mere mortal defy and defeat an all-powerful goddess?

11- Parliament is all-powerful , the supreme authority within the legal system.

12- He is the persuasive presence rather than the all-powerful ruler.

13- How does good luck differ from believing in all-powerful gods?

14- He is all-powerful and everybody follows his leadership and directive.

15- Goliath was merely a mortal man defying an all-powerful God.

16- Our God is all-powerful and wonderful beyond our comprehension.

17- Suddenly home seems small , and we seem all-powerful !

18- But these were products of an all-powerful impotence.

19- An all-powerful savior when I can't save myself.

20- The poet invokes Fortune as an all-powerful goddess.

21- The all-powerful Creator can create new life.

22- Only an all-powerful God fits the bill.

23- Communities are not all-powerful , of course.

24- The all-powerful tyrant is an ancient folktale motif .

25- Even the all-powerful Mughal emperors came here to pay their homage.

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