1- But don't worry - be all right on the night .

2- MoM: Whyte ( All right on the night ).

3- Like most things about the Games, it ended up all right on the night .

4- The time is fast approaching where both the stock market and Eurotunnel's bankers require something a little more concrete than vague reassurances that it will be all right on the night .

5- Workmen are still frantically putting the finishing touches to the plush new leisure complex, but the organisers are confident it will be all right on the night - June 26.

6- It'll Be All Right on the Night host Dennis Norden searched for his cordless telephone, only to discover that his pet dog had buried it in the garden of his London home.

7- The box and pyrotechnics take a long time to set up, so we can't rehearse and have to hope it will be all right on the night .

8- In Committee when we discussed the needs of the disabled and the need for a code of good practice, the Minister's response, as it was to everything else to do with consumer interest, was" It will be all right on the night ".

9- And finally... it was all right on the night

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