51- 'First, almost everywhere in the city backyard/alley space is very limited.

52- 'I hit almost every green, only missing the 18th.

53- 'In almost every case, there is no coverage on your personal automobile if you're hauling passengers for money.'

54- 'It seems like you have a deal almost every day,' said John Fox, director of research at Fenimore Asset Management.

55- 'There was nothing in what we did that almost everyone in Dubai wasn't already doing,' he said.

56- A subtle but persistent undercurrent of sexual longing and frustration runs through almost every scene.

57- According to the Apostle Paul, almost every depiction of Jesus so far has gotten at least one detail wrong.

58- According to the Huffington Post's Bill Swadley, President Obama "begins almost every unprepared sentence with 'Look.

59- Actually we are always talking, almost every day.

60- almost every election cycle we hear proposals to bring an end to the nasty ads.

61- almost every hike she has ever went on, Queen's College 2015 graduate Khes Adderley felt like she wanted to quit.

62- almost every house sustained damage, including his.

63- almost every illness can be cured, but not this one."

64- almost every meeting we attended touched upon the hijacking of Egyptian identity by Brotherhood leadership.

65- almost every portrait features the subject's prisoner number, which gives historians a name to attach to the pictures.

66- almost every repertoire can be seen in Portugal.

67- almost every reportage of Africa is about misery, violence, crime, always with a negative connotation.

68- almost every single presentation that's a potential Ebola case has been a complete disaster."

69- almost every tomato, potato, bean and egg that is consumed in South Sudan comes from Uganda.

70- almost every year, some team comes out of nowhere to defy expectations and succeed.

71- almost everyone either knows someone who has suffered from migraine, or has struggled with migraine themselves.

72- almost everyone has a son, a nephew, a cousin who has either been shot or has shot someone, Wright testified.

73- almost everyone I interact with who owns their own business has something they devote their time and passion to.

74- almost everyone is known by their first name only.

75- almost everyone predicts a GOP takeover, with a side of extra gridlock.

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