1- After the altercation ended the victim sat down in a chair.

2- Both advised that they were in a verbal altercation.

3- But her lawyer, Todd Maybrown, said she was a victim in the altercation.

4- During the altercation two men were stabbed.

5- For some reason, an altercation broke out, and someone opened fire.

6- Part of the altercation was captured on cell phone video.

7- The charge was laid against Cheryl Chislett, 54, following a weekend altercation.

8- There was an altercation at which point there was a single shot fired,' Sgt. Angelo Costa told CityNews.

9- There was an argument or some type of altercation that led up to it,"" Halliburton said."

10- A few days before Whitney Houston's death, she reportedly got into an altercation with the legendary singer.

11- A heated verbal dispute devolved into a physical altercation after officers moved to arrest one of the vendors.

12- A huge altercation between the parents and the police continued for months.

13- A New Yorker story published in 2011 described an altercation involving Grimm in a night-club in 1999.

14- A verbal altercation turned physical between both Jones and Winey.

15- A woman and uncle were arguing, but the altercation had not turned physical.

16- According to Clarke, two victims were transported the hospital following the altercation.

17- According to Cosom's report, an inebriated Truss assaulted Coleman; when he approached Truss an altercation ensued.

18- Also, Deedy told Elderts he was "going to shoot him in the face" prior to the altercation.

19- An altercation ensued and several shots were fired, he said.

20- An altercation ensued as the officer attempted to place Daniel under arrest.

21- An altercation took place, and Jack was stabbed.

22- And threatening to fight an officer is never acceptable, no matter the cause of the altercation.

23- Aulakh caught the entire altercation on in-store cameras.

24- Brown encourages people to report any type of altercation.

25- But at some point, an altercation broke out.

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