1- Early humans identified sequences and repetitions in the world around them, the alternation of day and night, the coming and going of the seasons, etc.

2- Is the alternation between day and night itself a "what"?

3- No alternation of generation exists in this species.

4- 3. Use occlusion to treat any amblyopia present and encourage alternation.

5- All conditions for the Parks-McClellan algorithm are based on Chebyshev's alternation Theorem.

6- Another difficult area is the vowel alternation of certain words before certain suffixes.

7- As in the Latin example, the tonic accent of present-day English is often on the syllable showing the vowel alternation.

8- For fretted basses, vibrato is always an alternation between the pitch of the note and a slightly higher pitch.

9- Indo-European ablaut is a different vowel alternation of uncertain origin.

10- The (2003-2005) version is a minor alternation to the original shirt.

11- The particular function of a given alternation will depend on the language.

12- The Second Spanish Republic saw an alternation of leftist and rightist governments.

13- To this end an alternation of Newton steps and Pade approximations is used.

14- One instance of this is the alternation, in some forms of English, between sentences such as "Have you eaten yet?

15- Tom Longboat, 1907 His coaches did not approve of his alternation of hard workouts with 'active rest' such as long walks.

16- The alternation -sume vb/-sumption sb is obviously restricted to pairs corresponding to the Latin alternation -sumere vb/-sumptio sb.

17- Heterogamy is a term used to describe alternation between parthenogenic and sexually reproductive phases that occurs in some animals.

18- Early humans identified sequences and repetitions in the world around them, the alternation of day and night, the coming and going of the seasons, etc.

19- There was also other alternation pattern, based on stress rather than syllable structure.

20- He "suffered from an alternation of depressed moods with elevated, expansive or irritable moods.

21- 640601 In Mycenaean, an alternation of i for e is found in words of pre-Greek, not Greek, origin. 20.0065

22- In some animals, there is an alternation between parthenogenic and sexually reproductive phases (heterogamy).

23- The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.

24- Regime alternation is costly, regroup a new government might be harm for a country economic.

25- Consequently, this cycle is also known as the alternation of generations.

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