1- In 1978, it was announced that the names of hurricanes would begin to alternate between men and women's names instead of always being named after women.

2- As the weeks pass, alternate between building up the speed bursts and balancing out the recovery time.

3- Grooming will alternate between Patterson Lake and Klipchuck until more snowflakes arrive.

4- She said the two artworks would alternate between the museums.

5- The case turns on a vertical axis to alternate between the two.

6- The stories alternate between both SG-1 and Atlantis.

7- After this, inscriptions alternate between Sanskrit and the Cham language of the times.

8- From this point onwards, Wilson would alternate between Porcupine Tree and No-Man releases.

9- If teams are used, turns alternate between opposing players, i.e.

10- In some cases these birds alternate between two or three nesting sites in a region from one year to another.

11- It provides in-house library of Getxo and weekly working time will alternate between his people and Vitoria.

12- Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

13- Plans are to have trains leaving Franconia-Springfield alternate between Blue and Brown Line trains.

14- Weight training sessions alternate between exercises for the upper body and exercises for the lower body.

15- Venues for matches alternate between the participating clubs to minimise or equalise travel commitments for players.

16- Richard Dix would introduce the stories and alternate between playing a hero, a villain, or a victim of circumstance.

17- Chapel gatherings occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and alternate between Anglican and open styles of worship.

18- The In Nomine theme is the highest part, above two other voices that alternate between polyphonic and homophonic textures.

19- " Previously, depending upon the terrain, Australian troops had to alternate between green and desert colored DPCUs. 45.8918

20- Gameplay Red Steel 2 is played in a first-person perspective where players can alternate between shooting and sword fighting.

21- Life cycle Eciton army ants have a bi-phasic lifestyle in which they alternate between a nomadic phase and a stationary stage.

22- The video's scenes continue to alternate between the rooms as the song continues, and at the end, Kumi wakes up in the green room.

23- Some commercial beekeepers alternate between pollination service and honey production but usually cannot do both at the same time.

24- The cave consists of about 2 kilometres of passages that alternate between steep rifts or shafts and horizontal or low-slope passages.

25- Meals will alternate between hot and cold breakfasts, such as sausage biscuits, breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls or cereal.

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