1- Good times alternate with bad.

2- In the south corridor eight medallions of animal groups alternate with repeated red, white, and blue shields.

3- It was created in 1983 to alternate with FESPACO which is a biennial African film festival organized in Burkina Faso.

4- They run with their teams' sashes, and at a station they alternate with the next runner, handing over the sash to him.

5- The School runs a Musical in both the Senior and Junior School which alternate with the Performing Arts Showcase every second year.

6- Sconces along the sides alternate with the windows, whose lower sashes have stained glass with geometric designs and Jewish symbols.

7- Furthermore, due to the eccentricity of Earth's orbit, series of shorter lunations alternate with series of longer lunations.

8- The Steel Claw would alternate with The Spider from Lion in these books, with the Claw featuring in the odd-numbered editions.

9- Beds of snow commonly alternate with exposed slopes covered with brilliant vegetation without an obvious boundary of perpetual snow.

10- The larger and smaller folds alternate with each other.

11- Good times alternate with bad.

12- Here lyric lines alternate with scraps of conversation, blocks of prose or long-lined verse.

13- There, close-packed Re layers alternate with puckered triangular boron layers along the (001) plane.

14- Windows alternate with a brick frieze, in the manner of the Metopes and triglyphs of a Greek temple.

15- In manic or bipolar depression, bouts of depression alternate with periods of excessive elation or mania of similar length.(30) Some of the allure is a residue of the Gregorian chant mania of a few years ago.

16- Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.

17- In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.

18- Dark stripes alternate with pale ones.

19- In research[], times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.

20- Stylist is surrounded with the cobble of black and white alternate with in gazebo all round, the style is fashionable and halfback.

21- Stylist is surrounded with the cobble of black and white alternate with in gazebo all round, the style is fashionable and halfback.

22- Wet days alternate with fine days.

23- Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.

24- In manic or bipolar depression, bouts of depression alternate with periods of excessive elation or mania of similar length.

25- Wet days alternate with fine days.

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