1- Nepalese officials said Sunday that cars will run on alternate days based on the last digit of their license plate.

2- He and I clean our room on alternate days.

3- The new play is on the show on alternate days.

4- The ferry service will initially run on alternate days, increasing eventually to daily sailings.

5- He and I clean our room on alternate days.

6- The service runs on alternate days.

7- The ferry service will initially run on alternate days, increasing eventually to daily sailings.

8- The service runs on alternate days.

9- The new play is on the show on alternate days.

10- Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.

11- Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.

12- When triplex greens mowers are used, the final "clean-up" cut around the perimeter of the green should be mowed on alternate days.

13- The ferry service will initially run on alternate days, increasing eventually to daily sailings.

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