26- But thanks to the use of aluminum, rather traditional steel, for its body, the new model is substantially lighter.

27- But with its shift from steel to aluminum Ford hopes to rewrite the rules in the tough-truck segment.

28- Clunky name aside, the mini 2 gives a striking first impression thanks to its M8-like, mainly aluminum casing.

29- Consisting of a 9.88kW DC Photo Voltaic "PV" system on a Florian aluminum solar structure.

30- Coupled with an aluminum trim, the XPS 13 looks even better open than it does closed.

31- Cover tightly with greased aluminum foil and bake until hot and bubbling, about 15 minutes.

32- For a timeless look, Abraham chose Halibrand polished-aluminum wheels, which he says will never go out of style.

33- For Christmas, she's got 15 silver aluminum tinsel trees, along with pink, teal, gold and red varieties.

34- Fortunately the polished glass feels supple and smoothly tapers into the aluminum frame.

35- From the rear, the M6 is all brushed-aluminum cool.

36- He reached over and picked up the well-worn aluminum bat.

37- In the mid 20th century aluminum gained popularity.

38- It also had all new brakes with aluminum calipers.

39- It contains heavy metals, like iron, manganese, aluminum and selenium.

40- It has a cast iron block and aluminum heads.

41- It includes a built-in battery and Apple's charger cable weaves into the aluminum on the bottom of the brick.

42- It is constructed from concrete, steel and aluminum.

43- It's difficult to calculate how much more aluminum costs, since there are different grades of aluminum and steel.

44- It's tough to say what will fix warped aluminum.

45- It's a 13-metre-high, 16-metre-wide grey, aluminum tube structure that looks like a flower open to the sky.

46- It's made from two hand-formed aluminum shapes.

47- Lightweight, well-rounded, and comfortable in the hand, but not as delightful as the all-aluminum HTC One.

48- Magnesium is about as extrudable as aluminum.

49- Materials used: stone, stainless steel, eloxed aluminum.

50- MHX black rod with gold guides includes premium aluminum rod tube.

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